Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) Literature Collection
Seasonal Affective Disorder Literature Collection
Light therapy is a common treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD).
[1] Dillon D,Pizzagalli D.Mechanisms of memory disruption in depression.Trends Neurosci,2018,41(3):137-149
[2] Jiang L, Wang Y, Zhang Y, et al.The reliability and validity of the center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) for Chinese university students.Front Psychiatry,2019,10:315
[3] Moret C,Isaac M,Briley M.Problems associated with long-term treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.J Psychopharmacol,2009, 23(8): 967-974
[4] Daly E, Singh J, Fedgchin M, et al. Efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine adjunctive to oral antidepressant therapy in treatment-resistant depression: a randomized clinical trial.JAMA psychiatry, 2018, 75(2): 139-148
[5] Chen S,Badea T,Hattar S.Photoentrainment and pupillary light reflex are mediated by distinct populations of ipRGCs.Nature,2011,476(7358): 92-95
[6] Vandewalle G,Schwartz S,Grandjean D,et al.Spectral quality of light modulates emotional brain responses in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2010,107(45):19549-19554
[7] Hirakawa H, Terao T, Muronaga M, et al. Adjunctive bright light therapy for treating bipolar depression:a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Brain Behav,2020,10(12):e01876
[8] Nussbaumer-Streit B,Thaler K,Chapman A, et al.Secondgeneration antidepressants for treatment of seasonal affective disorder.Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2021,3(3):CD008591
[9] Lam R,Levitt A,Levitan R,et al.The Can-SAD study: a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of light therapy and fluoxetine in patients with winter seasonal affective disorder.Am J Psychiatry,2006, 163(5): 805-812
[10] Pail G,Huf W,Pjrek E,et al.Bright-light therapy in the treatment of mood disorders.Neuropsychobiology,2011,64(3):152-162
[11] May I.Light therapy for preventing seasonal affective disorder:
summary of a Cochrane review.Explore (NY),2020,16(2):133-134
[12] Harrison S,Tyrer A,Levitan R,et al. Light therapy and serotonin
transporter binding in the anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex.Acta Psychiatr Scand,2015,132(5):379-388
[13] Spies M,James G,Vraka C,et al.Brain monoamine oxidase A in seasonal affective disorder and treatment with bright light therapy.Transl Psychiatry,2018,8(1):198
[14] Okimura K,Nakane Y,Nishiwaki-Ohkawa T,et al.Photoperiodic regulation of dopamine signaling regulates seasonal changes in retinal photosensitivity in mice.Sci Rep,2021,11(1):1843
[15] Song C,Luchtman D,Kang Z,et al.Enhanced inflammatory and Thelper-1 type responses but suppressed lymphocyte proliferation in patients with seasonal affective disorder and treated by light therapy.JAffect Disord, 2015,185:90-96
[16] Saccaro L,Schilliger Z,Dayer A, et al.Inflammation,anxiety,and stress in bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder:a narrative review.Neurosci Biobehav Rev,2021,127:184-192
[17] Malhi G,Outhred T,Morris G,et al. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: bipolar disorder summary.Med J Aust,2018,208(5):219-225
[18] Hirakawa H,Terao T,Shirahama M.Light modulation for bipolar disorder: a commentary on "an update on adjunctive treatment options for bipolar disorder" by Dean et al.(2018).Bipolar Disord,2019,21(3):282
[19] Benedetti F.Rate of switch from bipolar depression into mania after morning light therapy: a historical review.Psychiatry Res,2018,261:351-356
[20] Esaki Y,Kitajima T,Obayashi K,et al.Daytime light exposure in daily life and depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder:a crosssectional analysis in the APPLE cohort.J Psychiatr Res,2019,116:151-156
[21] Henriksen T, Skrede S, Fasmer O, et al. Blue-blocking glasses as
additive treatment for mania: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.Bipolar Disord,2016,18(3):221-232
[22] Benedetti F,Colombo C,Barbini B,et al.Morning sunlight reduces length of hospitalization in bipolar depression.J Affect Disord,2001, 62(3):221-223
[23] Golden R, Gaynes B, Ekstrom R, et al.The efficacy of light therapy in the treatment of mood disorders: a review and metaanalysis of the evidence.Am J Psychiatry,2005,162(4):656-662
[24] Geoffroy P,Bellivier F,Scott J,et al.Seasonality and bipolar
disorder:a systematic review,from admission rates to seasonality of symptoms.JAffect Disord,2014,168:210-223
[25] Esaki Y,Obayashi K,Saeki K,et al.Preventive effect of morning
light exposure on relapse into depressive episode in bipolar disorder.Acta Psychiatr Scand, 2021,143(4):328-338
[26] Dallaspezia S, Benedetti F. Antidepressant light therapy for bipolar patients:a meta-analyses.J Affect Disord,2020,274:943-948
[27] Jiang L,Zhang S,Wang Y,et al.Efficacy of light therapy for a
college student sample with non-seasonal subthreshold depression:an RCT study.JAffect Disord,2020,277:443-449
[28] Lam R, LevittA, Levitan R, et al.Efficacy of bright light treatment,
fluoxetine,and the combination in patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder:a randomized clinical trial.JAMA Psychiatry,2016, 73(1): 56-63
[29] Güzel Özdemir P,Boysan M,Smolensky M,et al.Comparison of
venlafaxine alone versus venlafaxine plus bright light therapy combination for severe major depressive disorder.J Clin Psychiatry,2015, 76(5):e645-654
[30] Geoffroy P,Schroder C,Reynaud E,et al.Efficacy of light therapy
versus antidepressant drugs,and of the combination versus monotherapy, in major depressive episodes:a systematic review and meta-analysis. SleepMed Rev,2019,48:101213
[31] Prasko J,Horacek J,Klaschka J,et al.Bright light therapy and/or
imipramine for inpatients with recurrent non-seasonal depression.Neuro Endocrinol Lett,2002,23(2):109-113
[32] Al-Karawi D,Jubair L.Bright light therapy for nonseasonal depression: meta-analysis of clinical trials.J Affect Disord,2016,198:64-71
[33] Morton E,Michalak E,Levitt A,et al.Quality of life impacts of
bright light treatment, fluoxetine,and the combination in patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder:a randomized clinical trial.Can J Psychiatry,2021,66(3):289-297
[34] Gavin N,Gaynes B,Lohr K,et al.Perinatal depression:a systematic review of prevalence and incidence.Obstet Gynecol,2005,106:1071-1083
[35] Daw J,Mintzes B,Law M,et al.Prescription drug use in pregnancy:a retrospective,population-based study in British Columbia,Canada (2001-2006).Clin Ther,2012,34(1):239-249.e2
[36] Jimenez-Solem E,Andersen J,Petersen M,et al.Prevalence of antidepressant use during pregnancy in Denmark,a nation-wide cohort study. PLoS One,2013,8(4):e63034
[37] Tuccori M,Testi A,Antonioli L,et al.Safety concerns associated
with the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and other serotonergic/noradrenergic antidepressants during pregnancy:a review.Clin Ther,2009,Pt1:1426-1453
[38] Epperson C,Terman M,Terman J,et al.Randomized clinical trial
of bright light therapy for antepartum depression: preliminary findings.J Clin Psychiatry,2004,65(3):421-425
[39] Wirz-Justice A,Bader A,Frisch U,et al.A randomized,doubleblind, placebo-controlled study of light therapy for antepartum depression.J Clin Psychiatry,2011,72(7):986-993
[40] Bais B,Kamperman A,Bijma H,et al.Effects of bright light therapy for depression during pregnancy:a randomised, doubleblind controlled trial.BMJ Open,2020,10(10):e038030
[41] Towfighi A,Ovbiagele B,El Husseini N,et al.Poststroke depression: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American heart association/American stroke association.Stroke,2017,48(2): e30-e43
[42] Xiao M,Feng L,Wang Q,et al.The therapeutic effects and safety of bright light therapy combined with escitalopram oxalate on insomnia in patients with poststroke depression. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry,2021, 36(1):182-189
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[44] Berson D,Dunn F,Takao M.Phototransduction by retinal ganglion cells that set the circadian clock.Science,2002,295(5557):1070-1073
[45] Hattar S,Kumar M,Park A,et al.Central projections of melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells in the mouse.J Comp Neurol,2006,497(3):326-349
[46] Pickard G, Sollars P.Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion
cells.Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol,2012,162:59-90
[47] Huang L,Xi Y,Peng Y,et al.A visual circuit related to habenula underlies the antidepressive effects of light therapy.Neuron,2019, 102(1):128-142.e128
[48] Fernandez D,Fogerson P,Ospri L L,et al.Light affects mood and
learning through distinct retina-brain pathways.Cell,2018,175(1): 71-84.e18
[49] Huang X,Huang P,Huang L,et al.A visual circuit related to the nucleus reuniens for the spatial-memory-promoting effects of light treatment.Neuron,2021,109(2):347-362.e7
[50] An K,Zhao H,Miao Y,et al.A circadian rhythm-gated subcortical pathway for nighttime-light-induced depressive-like behaviors in mice.Nat Neurosci,2020,23(7):869-880
[51] Yang L,Hu B,Xia Y,et al.Lateral habenula lesions improve the behavioral response in depressed rats via increasing the serotonin level in dorsal raphe nucleus.Behav Brain Res,2008,188(1):84-90
[52] Li K,Zhou T,Liao L,et al. βCaMKII in lateral habenula mediates core symptoms of depression.Science,2013,341(6149):1016-1020
[53] Li B,Piriz J,Mirrione M, et al.Synaptic potentiation onto habenula neurons in the learned helplessness model of depression.Nature,2011, 470(7335):535-539
[54] Boldrini M,Underwood M,Mann J,et al.More tryptophan hydroxylase in the brainstem dorsal raphe nucleus in depressed suicides.Brain Res,2005, 1041(1):19-28
[55] Hoekstra R,Fekkes D,Van De Wetering B,et al.Effect of light therapy on biopterin, neopterin and tryptophan in patients with seasonal affective disorder.Psychiatry Res,2003,120(1):37-42
[56] Lambert G,Reid C,Kaye D,et al.Effect of sunlight and season on serotonin turnover in the brain. Lancet,2002,360(9348):1840-1842
[57] Willeit M,Sitte H,Thierry N, et al.Enhanced serotonin transporter function during depression in seasonal affective disorder.Neuropsychopharmacology,2008,33(7):1503-1513
[58] Neumeister A,Willeit M,Praschak-Rieder N,et al.Dopamine transporter availability in symptomatic depressed patients with seasonal affective disorder and healthy controls.Psychol Med,2001,31(8): 1467-1473
[59] Itzhacki J,Clesse D,Goumon Y,et al.Light rescues circadian behavior and brain dopamine abnormalities in diurnal rodents exposed to a winter-like photoperiod.Brain Struct Funct,2018,223(6):2641-2652
[60] Dienes K,Hazel N,Hammen C.Cortisol secretion in depressed,and at-risk adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology,2013,38(6):927-940
[61] Coleman G,Gigg J,Canal M.Postnatal light alters hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis function and induces a depressive-like phenotype in adult mice.Eur J Neurosci,2016,44(10): 2807-2817
[62] Legates T,Altimus C,Wang H, et al.Aberrant light directly impairs
mood and learning through melanopsin-expressing neurons.Nature,2012, 491(7425):594-598
[63] Hadlow N,Brown S,Wardrop R,et al.The effects of season,daylight saving and time of sunrise on serum cortisol in a large population.Chronobiol Int,2014,31(2):243-251
[64] Ostrin L A.Ocular and systemic melatonin and the influence of
light exposure.Clin Exp Optom,2019,102(2):99-108
[65] Cardoso F,Gonzalez-Lima F,Gomes Da Silva S.Photobiomodulation for the aging brain.Ageing Res Rev,2021,70101415
[66] Khuman J,Zhang J,Park J,et al.Low-level laser light therapy improves cognitive deficits and inhibits microglial activation after controlled cortical impact in mice.J Neurotrauma, 2012, 29(2):408-417
[67] Salehpour F,Farajdokht F,Cassano P,et al.Near-infrared photobiomodulation combined with coenzyme Q for depression in a mouse model of restraint stress:reduction in oxidative stress, neuroinflammation,and apoptosis.Brain Res Bull,2019,144:213-222
[68] Hiles S,Baker A,De Malmanche T,et al.A meta-analysis of differences in IL-6 and IL-10 between people with and without depression: exploring the causes of heterogeneity. Brain Behav Immun,2012,26(7):1180-1188
[69] Eller T,Vasar V,Shlik J,et al.Pro-inflammatory cytokines and treatment response to escitalopram in major depressive disorder.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry,2008,32(2):445-450
[70] Meyer J,Ginovart N,Boovariwala A,et al.Elevated monoamine oxidase a levels in the brain: an explanation for the monoamine imbalance of major depression.Arch Gen Psychiatry,2006,63(11): 1209-1216
[71] Mohammed H,Khadrawy Y.Antidepressant and antioxidant effects of transcranial irradiation with 830-nm low-power laser in an animal model of depression.Lasers Med Sci,2021.doi:10.1007/s10103-021-03410-1
[72] De Freitas L,Hamblin M.Proposed mechanisms of photobiomodulation or low-level light therapy.IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron,2016,22(3): 7000417
[73] Kafetzopoulos V,Kokras N,Sotiropoulos I,et al.The nucleus reuniens: a key node in the neurocircuitry of stress and depression.Mol Psychiatry, 2018,23(3):579-586
[74] Sit D,Terman M,Wisner K.Light therapy and risk of hypomania,mania, or mixed state emergence: response to Benedetti et al.Am J Psychiatry, 2018,175(9):906
[75] Sit D,Wisner K,Hanusa B,et al.Light therapy for bipolar disorder: a case series in women.Bipolar Disord,2007, 9(8):918-927
[76] Tao L,Jiang R,Zhang K,et al.Light therapy in non-seasonal depression: an update meta-analysis.Psychiatry Res, 2020,291: 113247
[77] Min J,Min K.Outdoor light at night and the prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors: a cross-sectional study in a nationally representative sample of Korean adults.J Affect Disord,2018,227:199-205
[78] Blagonravov M,Bryk A,Goryachev V,et al.Bright light therapy increases blood pressure and changes the structure of circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion in spontaneously hypertensive rats.Bull Exp BiolMed,2019,168(2):214-218
[79] Avery D,Eder D,Bolte M,et al.Dawn simulation and bright light in the treatment of SAD: a controlled study.Biol Psychiatry,2001,50(3): 205-216
[80] Wileman S,Eagles J,Andrew J,et al.Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder in primary care:randomised controlled trial.Br J Psychiatry, 2001,178:311-316
[81] Terman M,Terman J.Controlled trial of naturalistic dawn simulation and negative air ionization for seasonal affective disorder.Am J Psychiatry, 2006, 163(12): 2126-2133
[82] Flory R,Ametepe J,Bowers B.A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of bright light and high-density negative air ions for treatment of seasonal affective disorder. Psychiatry Res,2010,177:101-108
[83] Benedetti F,Colombo C,Pontiggia A,et al. Morning light treatment hastens the antidepressant effect of citalopram: a placebo-controlled trial.J Clin Psychiatry,2003,64(6):648-653
[84] Wu J,Kelsoe J,Schachat C,et al. Rapid and sustained antidepressant response with sleep deprivation and chronotherapy in bipolar disorder.Biol Psychiatry,2009,66(3):298-301
[85] Dauphinais D,Rosenthal J,Terman M,et al.Controlled trial of safety and efficacy of bright light therapy vs. negative air ions in patients with bipolar depression. Psychiatry Res,2012,196(1):57-61
[86] Chojnacka M,Antosik-Wójcińska A,Dominiak M,et al.A shamcontrolled randomized trial of adjunctive light therapy for nonseasonal depression.JAffect Disord,2016,203:1-8
[87] Zhou T,Dang W,Ma Y,et al.Clinical efficacy,onset time and safety of bright light therapy in acute bipolar depression as an adjunctive therapy: a randomized controlled trial.J Affect Disord,2018,227:90-96
[88] Sit D,Mcgowan J,Wiltrout C,et al.Adjunctive bright light therapy
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[91] Lieverse R,Van Someren E,Nielen M,et al.Bright light treatment in elderly patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder:a randomized placebo-controlled trial.Arch Gen Psychiatry,2011,68(1):61-70